Surface Pressure Constraint

General description

The “SurfacePressureConstraint” component simulates a constant pressure on a surface.

Methods description

Requirement: Constraint resolution method

Definition: Pressure is the amount of force acting per unit of area:

P = F / S

where P is the pressure, F is the normal force and S is the area of surface where the force is applied


We want Jλ to be homogeneous to a force:

J = p × S

For each element e of the surface, we compute the normal and the area of the element nand Se. We split the product n× Se to each point of the element by dividing it by nbp(the number of points in the element). Considering an uniform pressure, J will then be as follows:

J = (∑{e | p1 point of e} n× S/ nbpe  … ∑{e | pi point of e} n× S/ nbp… ∑{e | pn point of e} n× S/ nbpeT

Thus, each point receives the contributions of each element it is part of. λ then represents the intensity of the pressure.

Copie de accordion

Example of a pneumatic actuation on an accordion model: (left) Accordion at rest. (middle) Accordion when inflated. (right) Method of pressure distribution on the cavity wall vertices.

How to use the component

To learn how to create a SOFA scene, please refer to the tutorial provided by the SOFA Modeler or this documentation.

To simulate a pressure in a cavity of a three dimensional model, you will need two meshes. The surface of the cavity (in red in the bunny example) and the three dimensional mesh you want to deform with pressure.

 bunny = rootNode.createChild('bunny')

cavity = bunny.createChild('cavity')
cavity.createObject('MeshObjLoader', name='loader', filename=path+'cavity.obj')
cavity.createObject('Mesh', src='@loader', name='topo')
cavity.createObject('MechanicalObject', name='cavity')
cavity.createObject('SurfacePressureConstraint', triangles='@topo.triangles', value='40')
cavity.createObject('BarycentricMapping', name='mapping', mapForces='false', mapMasses='false')

An example is provided in the “examples” directory of the plugin.


Data field

Here are described the data fields corresponding to this particular component.

Input data

triangles/quads : List of triangles/quads on which the pressure is applied. If no list is given (i.e no triangles and no quads), the component will fill the two lists with the context topology.

value : Input values corresponding to the actuations imposed by the constraint

valueIndex : Index of the value (in value vector) that we want to impose. If unspecified, the default value is {0}

valueType : pressure or volumeGrowth. In the first case, the constraint will impose the pressure provided in data value[valueIndex]. In the second case, the constraint will impose the volume growth provided in data value[valueIndex].

Output data

intialCavityVolume : Volume of the cavity at initialization. Only consistent if the mesh is closed.

cavityVolume : Volume of the cavity at the end of the time step. Only consistent if the mesh is closed.

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