A definition of AI
Wanna know what AI is about? Check the “official” definition from the Villani mission on AI!! And feel free to comment, approve, criticize, etc.
Wanna know what AI is about? Check the “official” definition from the Villani mission on AI!! And feel free to comment, approve, criticize, etc.
Registration to the AI days is now opened. It’s free, opened to everyone affiliated to a research team within Inria RBA or IRISA, and simple: put your name on the following poll and that’s it. Registration is however mandatory to help us adjust the number of person at the pauses…
Après la remise du rapport Villani au gouvernement, ce dernier fait ses annonces. Retrouvez une synthèse de ces annonces dans un article du monde.fr en date du 29 mars 2018. Pour tout comprendre de ces annonces, il est intéressant de consulter le rapport Villani et de consulter le site correspondant…
In addition to general presentations and team presentations, the event features technical poster presentations, where real hard-core science can be presented. We also welcome project presentations or any other poster presentation that will bring interesting information regarding AI activities in our labs. Demos are obviously also welcome. All these presentations…
We’re happy and proud to announce that Bertrand Braunschweig accepted to give a general presentation on AI in general, following the cataloging work he did for Inria. Do not hesitate to check the white book online!
The workshop will take place on April 19 and 20, 2018, at the Inria conference center. Thank you for all those who took the time to doodle. We booked the dates where most people were available. Waiting forward to seeing you at the workshop. And stay tuned for the program!