Open-Source Hardware

We designed the AIOT Play specifically for the AIOT Systems Academy.
It features a prototyping area allowing you to build little circuits directly on the board. You then write firmware directly on the fully programmable micro-controller to interact with your circuit and hand the data to the true mesh network Dusty module.
The design of the board is open-source so you can modify it. Don't want to build the boards yourself? Use a single-click turn-key build solution offered by the assembly house we work with.
Open-Source Software

The source code consists of Python code that runs on a computer, and C code that runs on a micro-controller.
The source is developed under an open-source license so you can really see how things are working, and use beyond this academy.
We host all source code on GitHub and release the Python code on Pypi.
Step-by-step ready-to-teach Labs

The AIOT Systems Academy is a collection of dozens of short labs. If you want to learn it all, take them in order! Most likely, you will be tempted to take the first ones in order to build up some skills, then jump through the more advanced ones are you discover interesting aspects.
If you are an instructor, the material is ready to present. Before a 2-3h lab session, you can make a selection of labs to run through with your students. There are questions in each lab; by asking your students to keep a piece of paper with the answer to the lab, you can make sure everyone is progressing.
Access all labs.