Develop the new version of QWANT

The aim of the ANSWER project is to develop the new version of the search engine by introducing radical innovations in terms of search criteria as well as indexed content and users’ privacy.

The purpose is to strengthen everyone’s confidence in the search engine and increase the effectiveness of web search. Building trust in the search engine is based on innovations in (1) Security: computer security, privacy; (2) Completeness: completeness and heterogeneity of (re)sources; and (3) Neutrality: analysis, extraction, indexing, and classification of data.

Increasing the effectiveness of web-based research relies on innovations related to (1) Relevance: variety and value of content taken into account, measurement of emotions carried by query results; (2) Interaction with the user: adaptation of the interfaces to the types of research; and (3) Performance: perceived relevance of results and response time.

The proposed innovations include:

  • Design and develop models and tools for the detection of emotions in query results:
    • Ontology, thesaurus, linguistic resources
    • Metrics, indicators, classification of emotions.
  • Design and develop new crawling algorithms:
    • Dynamic crawling strategies
    • Crawlers and indexes for linked open data
  • Ensure respect for privacy:
    • Detection of internet tracking
    • Preventive display of tracing techniques
    • Certified security of automatic adaptation of ads to keywords entered by the user

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