Welcome to the webpage of the Audio-visual machine perception and interaction for companion robots chair of the Multidisciplinary Institute of Artificial Intelligence. This initiative is co-chaired by Dr. Radu Horaud and Dr. Xavier Alameda-Pineda, both at Inria Grenoble Rhône-Alpes.
Here are some recent news:
- [Seminar] What can we further learn from the brain for AI? by Prof. Kenji Doya
- [Seminar] DNN-based Algorithms for Audio Processing in Reverberant Environments by Prof. Sharon Gannot
- [Seminar] Towards Higher Efficiency in Reinforcement Learning for Robotics, by Samuele Tosatto
- [Seminar] Transfer Learning, Data Efficiency and Fairness in Deep Reinforcement Learning – Dr. Matthieu Zimmer
- [Seminar] Complex-valued and hybrid models for audio processing – Dr. Paul Magron
- [Seminar] Variational Recurrent Neural Networks – Prof. Laurent Girin
- [Seminar] Using cognitive science for artificial intelligence – Dr. Chris Reinke
- [Seminar] Variational auto-encoders for audio-visual speech enhancement – Dr. Mostafa Sadeghi
- [Seminar] Deformations in Deep Models for Image and Video Generation – Prof. Stéphane Lathuilière