“Better Regulation of Online Tracking with Transdisciplinary Research” (BALANCE) workshop organised by Nataliia Bielova (Inria) and Cristiana Santos (Utrecht University) will be held at Inria center on the French Riviera on 12-13 December 2024.
This interdisciplinary workshop gathers scientists, Data Protection Authorities and NGOs from the fields of web privacy measurements, HCI and usable privacy, data protection law and economics to present the recent findings and discuss the following research areas:
- Next-generation online tracking technologies
- Automated auditing for compliance
- EU regulatory frameworks applied to online privacy: GDRP, DSA, DMA
- Usable privacy and mental models of website owners and their legal responsibilities
- Economic impacts of regulating or blocking tracking and advertising on the Web
- Deterrence effect of the GDPR for more efficient allocation of legal responsibilities
- Digital evidence accepted by regulators in legal cases, potential for the use of scientific evidence
- Class actions in the EU in the Data Protection
Format. Although we strongly prefer to hold this event in person to facilitate discussions, some of the participants will only participate remotely.
Confirmed participants, grouped by field of expertise:
Data Protection Law
- Cristiana Santos (Utrecht University, NL)
- René Mahieu (Open University Netherlands, NL & LSTS, BE)
- Vincent Toubiana [online] (French Data Protection Authority CNIL, FR)
Economics and Competition Law
- Amit Zac [online] (University of Amsterdam, NL)
- Bernd Skiera [online] (Goethe University Frankfurt, DE)
- Simone Vannuccini (University Cote d’Azur, FR)
Psychology and HCI
- Alina Stover (Technical University of Darmstadt, DE)
- Max von Grafenstein (Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society, DE)
- Nina Gerber [online] (Technical University of Darmstadt, DE)
- Sanju Ahuja (Inria, FR)
- Sepideh Ghanavati (University of Maine, US)
Computer science
- Gunes Acar (Radbound University, NL)
- Héber H. Arcolezi (Inria, FR)
- Karel Kubicek (Inria, FR)
- Nataliia Bielova (Inria, FR)