2nd Executive Project Meeting – 9 November 2021

The 2nd ByBloS Project Meeting took place on 9 November 2021 in Rennes


09:30  Welcome (00:10, François Taïani)

09:40  WP0: Project News (00:20, François Taïani)

10:00  WP1: Progress + discussion (00:20, Matthieu Perrin)

10:20  WP2: Progress + discussion (00:20, Davide Frey)

10:40  Coffee (00:30)

11:10  WP3: Progress + discussion (00:20, Sara Bouchenak)

11:30  Talk 1: SCD-broadcast entre byzantins (00:30, Vincent Kowalski)

12:00  Talk 2: Towards Scalable Consensus-Free Cryptocurrency Systems
(00:30, Timothé Albouy)

12:30  Lunch (01:30)

14:00  Talk 3: Byzantine-tolerant reliable broadcast in the presence of silent churn
(00:30, Davide Frey)

14:30  Talk 4: Simulations de Bitcoin et Sycomore (le DAG-based ledger de CIDRE) (00:30, Emmanuelle Anceaume)

15:00  Talk 5: Preliminary results in robustness, privacy and fairness in distributed learning protocols and recommender systems (00:30, Sara Bouchenak & Omar Hasan/Lionel Brunie)

15:30  Coffee (00:30, )

16:00  Steering Cttee Meeting (01:00, Steering Cttee)

17:00  End

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