
The ByBloS Project (2021-2025, reference ANR-20-CE25-0002) is a French collaborative project funded by the Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR) in distributed computer science. It involved four research teams from three laboratories: IRISA (coordinator, University of Rennes 1) in Rennes, LIRIS (INSA Lyon) in Lyon, and LS2N (Université de Nantes) in Nantes.

Blockchain-based systems have over the last 10 years profoundly impacted society and research. They come however with many inefficiencies, that are inherent to the problem they attempt to solve, Byzantine Tolerant Agreement, one of the most difficult problems of distributed computing. Many applications however to not require the strong guarantees that an agreement provides, and can be implemented much more efficiently with lighter guarantees. Building on this insight, the objective the Byblos project is to explore the design, analysis, and implementation of lightweight Byzantine decentralized mechanisms for the systematic construction of large-scale Byzantine-tolerant Privacy-Preserving distributed collaborative systems.

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