Cyril Cohen published an extension to the Mathematical Components library to handle finite subsets of types. In the course of experimenting with this extension, I need to generalize a lemma that already exists for finite subsets of finite types to finite sets.
The lemma is stated in the Mathematical Components library as follows:
Section CardFunImage.
Variables aT rT : finType.
Variables (f : aT -> rT) (D : pred aT).
Lemma imset_injP : reflect {in D &, injective f} (#|f @: D| == #|D|).
I wish to have the same lemma for finite sets. I express it in the following manner. Note that the notation of cardinals has to change, because #| … | is for predicates on finite types. The similar notion of cardinals for finite subset of arbitrary types is written #|`… |
reflect{in D &, injective f} (#|` [fset f x | x in D] | == #|` D |).
I also need to change the type for D, because a predicate won’t be enough. There is a good reason: constructing the finite set of images of f for an arbitrary predicate on aT is not computable. On the other hand, if D is a known to be a finite set, it means it comes with an enumeration of its elements, which makes it possible to enumerate all elements of the image.
Proving this lemma is hard. I first try to just apply imset_injP, hoping coercions and canonical structure computations would fill in the necessary blanks, but that fails. Then I looked at the way imset_injP is proved. It relies on another theorem named image_injP, but this last theorem also relies on finite types. Here is an experiment we can make:
Check @image_injP [finType of D] [finType of (f @` D) _ predT.
: reflect {in predT &, injective ?s}
(#|[seq ?s x | x in predT]| == #|predT|)
For this quick experiment, I had to leave a place holder _ for the third argument, because I did not know how to quicky transform f of type aT -> rT into a function between the finite types given as first and second argument.
A similar experiment with imset_injP uses the following formula:
Check @imset_injP [finType of D] [finType of (f @` D)] _ pred
To lift a function from type aT -> rT into a function between finite type D and f @` D, I finally chose to rely on Coq’s proof mode, as follows
Section experiment_draft.
Variable d1 : D.
Check f (val d1).
Check [finType of (f @` D)].
Definition fd : D -> [finType of (f @` D)].
move => d; exists (f (val d)); apply: in_imfset; case: d; move => e e_in; exact e_in.
In these experiments, we see that d1 cannot be passed directly as argument to f, because d1 is not in type aT. But d1 is a qualified value, so just retrieving the value brings us back to aT. Now, the value f (val d1) is in type rT. Because we threw away the information that (val d1) is in D, we are missing the information that f (val d1) is in f @` D, but we can recover this thanks to lemma in_imfset.