Past CTRC seminars
- September 26, 2016 — by Eugene Yip from University of Bamberg
Title: The ForeC Synchronous Deterministic Parallel Programming Language for Multicores
More… - September 6, 2016 — by Étienne André from Laboratoire d’Informatique de Paris Nord
Title: Computing the Best and Worst Case Execution Time of a Real-Time System under Uncertainty
More… - July 12, 2016 — by Adrien Guatto from ENS Paris
Title: A Synchronous Functional Language with Integer Clocks
More… - May 3, 2016 — by Francesco Zappa Nardelli from École normale supérieure in Paris
Title: Shared Memory and Concurrency: a Thorny Relationship
More… - March 8, 2016 — by Lionel Rieg from Collège de France in Paris
Title: Toward a Coq-verified compiler from Esterel to circuits
More… - March 1, 2016 — by Sudipta Chattopadhyay from Saarland University
Title: On Testing Embedded Software for its Performance and Security
More… - February 2, 2016 — by Youcheng Sun from Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna in Pisa
Title: Multiprocessor Global Schedulability Analysis in Continuous Time
More… - January 14, 2016 — by Björn Brandenburg from Max Planck Institute for Software Systems (MPI-SWS)
Title: Bounds on Locking Delays in Multicore Real-Time Systems
More… - December 15, 2015 — by Benoît Caillaud from Inria Rennes – Bretagne Atlantique
Title: Structural Analysis of Multi-Mode DAE Systems
More… - November 27, 2015 — by Giovanni Bernardi from the Madrid Institute of Advanced Studies
Title: Using Higher-Order Contracts to Model Session Types
More… - November 10, 2015 — by Bertrand Jeannet from Argosim
Title: Debugging Embedded Systems Requirements with Stimulus
More… - October 27, 2015 — by Victor Magron from Verimag
Title: NLVerify: Verification of Polynomial Inequalities using Formal Floating-point Arithmetic
More… - October 13, 2015 — by Mahmood Hikmet from the University of Auckland
Title: Quantitative Fairness and its Limits
More… - June 23, 2015 — by Martina Maggio from Lund University
Title: Discrete-Time Control Theory for Software Engineering
More… - May 26, 2015 — by Alix Munier-Kordon from LIP6
Title: Évaluation du Débit Maximal d’une Application Représentée sous la Forme d’un SDF
More… - May 12, 2015 — by Marc Boyer from Onera
Title: Calcul Réseau, de la Théorie aux Applications Avioniques