IRISA, Rennes, April 25-26 2024
The GT Daal meeting will take place at IRISA (Institute for Research in Computer Science and Random Systems) between the April 25 and 26 2024 (see location information for the travel and accommodation information). Registration closes on April 12, 2024.
Information about the GT DAAL series can be obtained at https://daal.labri.fr/index.html
We are calling for presentations (approx 20mn) of original, unfinished, already published, or otherwise interesting work related to the GT DAAL themes. If you did some nice stuff in 2023, or some of your students did, come and tell us about it! The event will have no formal proceedings, so anything goes. Please send your proposal, in form of a presentation abstract potentially supported by a paper, a poster, a video, etc. To propose a talk, please send an e-mail to contactgtdaal2024@inria.fr with the title and the abstract by April 15.
You may take advantage of being in Rennes to also attend the Workshop on Pomsets and Related Structures and the Workshop ATLAS ’24 (or if the server is still down go there) on automata Theory and its connection with algebra and logic that will take place April 23-25, 2024 at EPITA Rennes.
The Data, Automata, Algebra, and Logic Working Group (GT DAAL) is one of the working groups of the GDR Informatics and Mathematics (GDR IM). The GDR IM is split into three clusters – Algorithms and combinatorics, Formal calculus, arithmetic and geometry and Logic and complexity – and the GT DAAL belongs to the third cluster.
DAAL is interested in the study of mathematical formalisms related to the following areas:
- database theory
- automata theory: on various structures (words, trees, orders,…), quantitative, probabilistic automata,…
- logic: specification or query formalism, model theory, algorithmic issues (model-checking, satisfiability, containment, synthesis…)
- games: in logic, verification, model theory, set theory,…
- algebra and topology
The applicative impact of our research lies in the foundations of program and database verification.