There will be text!

The presentation page also comes equipped with 3 text areas and an infinite number of columns. The text areas are positioned above and below the columns and blog posts. They support HTML tags (including images) and [shortcodes] so you can turn the Presentation Page into your personal playground.
Just like everything else on the Presentation Page you can choose whether to use these text areas or not. You can edit them from Theme Settings » Presentation Page Settings » Text Areas.
There will be columns!

Countless columns
You can also set the number of columns per row and much more from the theme settings.

Responsive Design

~ Font Fiesta ~

Layouts and Templates

Socials Galore

There will be posts!

Even if you can show your latest posts on the Presentation Page, you can also use the Blog Page Template to designate another page as your primary blog posts page. While creating a new page or editing an existing one choose Blog Template as the page template and save.
For more information read all the help sections from the Theme Settings.
Une autre actualité
Voilà une nouvelle nouvelle.
Une première nouvelle
Et voici votre premier billet.
There will be more!
So bring out your diamond in the rough and let Nirvana find its luster.