

L. Bocchi, I. Lanese, C. A. Mezzina, S. Yuen. revTPL: The Reversible Temporal Process Language. Log. Methods Comput. Sci. 20(1) (2024)

I. Lanese, I. Phillips, I. Ulidowski. An Axiomatic Theory for Reversible Computation. ACM Transactions on Computational Logic, 2024, 25 (2), pp.1-40.

P. Lami, I. Lanese, J.-B. Stefani, C. Sacerdoti Coen, G. Fabbretti. Reversible debugging of concurrent Erlang programs: Supporting imperative primitives. Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming, 2024, 138, pp.100944.


A. Kong Win Chang, J. Feret, and G. Gössler. A Semantics of Core Erlang with Handling of Signals. Erlang Workshop 2023.

C. A. Mezzina, F. Tiezzi, N. Yoshida. Rollback Recovery in Session-Based Programming. COORDINATION 2023: 195-213

M. Bernardo, C. A. Mezzina. Causal Reversibility for Timed Process Calculi with Lazy/Eager Durationless Actions and Time Additivity. FORMATS 2023: 15-32

M. Bernardo, C. A. Mezzina. Bridging Causal Reversibility and Time Reversibility: A Stochastic Process Algebraic Approach. Log. Methods Comput. Sci. 19(2) (2023) PDF

H. C. Melgratti, C. A. Mezzina, G. Michele Pinna. Relating Reversible Petri Nets and Reversible Event Structures, Categorically. FORTE 2023: 206-223

M. Bernardo, I. Lanese, A. Marin, C. A. Mezzina, S. Rossi, C. Sacerdoti Coen. Causal Reversibility Implies Time Reversibility. QEST 2023: 270-287

R. Glück, I. Lanese, C. A. Mezzina, J. A. Miszczak, I. C. C. Phillips, I. Ulidowski, G. Vidal. Towards a Taxonomy for Reversible Computation Approaches. RC 2023: 24-39

G. Vidal. From Reversible Computation to Checkpoint-Based Rollback Recovery for Message-Passing Concurrent Programs. FACS 2023. PDF


L. Bocchi, I. Lanese, C. A. Mezzina, S. Yuen. The Reversible Temporal Process Language. FORTE 2022: 31-49

H. C. Melgratti, C. A. Mezzina, G. M. Pinna. A Petri net view of covalent bonds. Theor. Comput. Sci. 908: 89-119 (2022)

G. Vidal. Computing Race Variants in Message-Passing Concurrent Programs with Selective Receives. FORTE 2022: 188-207. PDF


C. A. Mezzina and J. A. Pérez. Causal Consistency for Reversible Multiparty Protocols. LMCS, 2021,Volume 17, Issue 4. PDF

H. Melgratti, C. A. Mezzina and G. M. Pinna. A distributed operational view of Reversible Prime Event Structures. LICS 2021. hal-03227293

H. Melgratti, C. A. Mezzina and G. M. Pinna. Towards a truly concurrent semantics for reversible CCS. RC 2021 hal-03242858

J.J. González and G. Vidal. Causal-Consistent Reversible Debugging: Improving CauDEr. PADL 2021. PDF

I. Lanese, A. Palacios, G. Vidal. Causal-Consistent Replay Reversible Semantics for Message Passing Concurrent Programs. Fundam. Informaticae 178(3): 229-266 (2021). PDF

C. Aubert, D. Medić. Explicit Identifiers and Contexts in Reversible Concurrent Calculus. RC 2021. hal-033007263.

I. Lanese, D. Medić, C. A. Mezzina. Static versus dynamic reversibility in CCS. Acta Informatica, 2021, pp.1-34. hal-03300794.

T. Mari, T. Dang, G. Gössler. Explaining Safety Violations in Real-Time Systems. FORMATS 2021, pp. 100-116.  hal-03348010v1.


J. Hoey, I. Lanese, N. Nishida, I. Ulidowski and G. Vidal: A Case Study for Reversible Computing: Reversible Debugging of Concurrent Programs. Selected Results of the COST Action IC1405 2020: 108-127. hal-03005383.

I. Lanese, I. C. C. Phillips and I. Ulidowski: An Axiomatic Approach to Reversible Computation. FOSSACS 2020. hal-03004421.

D.Medić, C. A. Mezzina, I. Phillips, N. Yoshida: A parametric framework for reversible π-calculi. Information and Computation.hal-03132462.

H. C. Melgratti, C. A. Mezzina, Irek Ulidowski: Reversing Place Transition Nets. Log. Methods Comput. Sci. 16(4) (2020)

M. Bernardo, C. A. Mezzina: Towards Bridging Time and Causal Reversibility. FORTE 2020

G. Gössler and J.-B. Stefani. Causality Analysis and Fault Ascription in Component-Based Systems. TCS 837 (2020). hal-02161534v3

D.Medić, C. A. Mezzina, I. Phillips, N. Yoshida: Towards a Formal Account for Software Transactional Memory. RC 2020. hal-03005449.

H. C. Melgratti, C. A. Mezzina, I. Phillips, G. M. Pinna, I. Ulidowski: Reversible Occurrence Nets and Causal Reversible Prime Event Structures. RC 2020

I. Lanese and D. Medic: A General Approach to Derive Uncontrolled Reversible Semantics. CONCUR 2020. hal-03005374.


G. Gössler and J.-B. Stefani. Causality Analysis and Fault Ascription in Component-Based Systems. INRIA research report RR-9279, hal-02161534v2.

G. Gössler, T. Mari, Y. Pencolé, and L. Travé-Massuyès. Towards Causal Explanations of Property Violations in Discrete Event Systems. DX 2019. hal-02369014.

I. Lanese, A. Palacios and G. Vidal. Causal-Consistent Replay Debugging for Message Passing Programs. FORTE 2019. hal-02313745.

I. Lanese, D. Sangiorgi and G. Zavattaro. Playing with Bisimulation in Erlang. Models, Languages, and Tools for Concurrent and Distributed Programming 2019. hal-02376217.

D. Medić. Relative expressiveness of calculi for reversible concurrency. EATCS Bulletin, 2019. hal-0237627.

L. Mikulski and I. Lanese. Reversing Unbounded Petri Nets. Petri Nets 2019. hal-02376158.

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