
This project is a collaboration between Mines Nantes, Telecom Bretagne, ENIB, Université de Nantes, CNRS and INSA Rennes.
The main objective is to optimize the energy consumed by data centers. To do this, we study the impact of using renewable energy sources. Mainly we want to propose a scheduling mechanisum guided by energy availability. The originality of this project is to address this issue from lower layers (network, server , infrastructure) to the application level (software reorganization) .
This project started four theses on the following topics:
– Task scheduling and placement by integrating renewable energy sources.
– Software Adaptation with energy constraint.
– Network high speed, low energy solution for the transfer of data and application.
– Modeling and algorithms for scheduling.
The project formally began in October 2013 with the arrival of two of the four PhD students. The third was started in January 2014. The last student was started in september 2014.
In 2015, Ron Addie (Associate Professor in Southern Queensland University, Australia) visited us on the Brest site for three weeks.
In 2016, Yunbo Li  will realize an internship of two months at Rutgers University (USA).

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