On March 22, Thursday 10th and Friday 11th, ERC NEMO jointly organized with LINCS a workshop on vehicular networks, hosted at LINCS (23 avenue d’Italie, 75013 Paris).
To make our vehicles smarter and our roads safer, communications are of paramount importance: vehicles will communicate with other vehicles (V2V), with the infrastructure (V2I), and with everything (V2X). Enabling and exploiting V2X communication at scale is still facing a huge amount of challenges, at all levels of the network protocol stack, in terms of global network architecture, up to the design of advanced next-generation applications.
This international workshop will bring together researchers from the industry and Academia working on a wide class of topics including models and performance of the physical communication channel at different bands, vehicle positioning and sensing, 5G networks for V2X, overall network architecture, services on top of V2X and their requirements, edge computing for vehicular applications, etc.
Organizing Committee:
- Andrea ARALDO (Télécom-SudParis)
Invited speakers:
- Onur ALTINTAS – Toyota
- Carla CHIASSERINI – PoliTo
- Chang-sik CHOI – Hongik University
- Harpreet DHILLON – VirginiaTech
- Falko DRESSLER – TU Berlin
- Martin HAENGGI – Notre Dame
- Robert HEATH – NCSU
- Vincenzo MANCUSO – IMDEA Networks
- Tien viet NGUYEN – Qualcomm
- Vitaly PETROV – Nokia Bell Labs
- Oyunchimeg SHAGDAR – VEDECOM
- Henk WYMEERSCH – Chalmers
More information, abstracts and the recordings of the talks are available on the website of the workshop : https://www.lincs.fr/international-workshop-on-v2x/