Workshop on High-dimensional statistics
Place: room c118, Inria Paris
- 10h accueil, café
- 10h30: Yohann de Castro, « Exact False Negative Control using the LARS »
- 11h15 JA Chevalier, Parietal, “Statistical Inference with Ensemble of Clustered Desparsified Lasso”
- 11h45 break
- 12h Binh Nguyen, Parietal-LMO, “ECKO: Ensemble of Clustered Knockoffs for robust multivariate inference on fMRI data”
- 12h30 déjeuner: restaurant l’Alchimiste.
- 14h Laurent Jacob, LBBE, “Statistical pan-genomics”
- 14h30 Hector Roux de Bezieux, LBBE, “Beyond DBGWAS: exploring assembly graphs in an efficient manner.“
- 15h coffee break
- 15h15 Guillaume Maillard, LMO, “Cross-validation improved by aggregation: Agghoo”
- 16h Pierre Neuvial, “Inférence post-hoc via les tests multiples; applications à l’analyse différentielle d’expression génique”
- 16h45 general discussion, outlook