PresentationFiatLux is a cellular automata simulator ; it is oriented towards the study of the robustness of the models. For example, it allows users to test easily how a model behaves with an asynchronous updating of the cells. It also implements different variations on the classical CA models such as stochastic models, lattice-gas cellular automata, interacting particle systems and reactive multi-agent systems. Download
To run it simply double-click on the icon or type "java -jar FiatLux.jar" in a terminal. CreditsThis software have seen the contributions of various persons. Among the recent contributors, we thank Nicolas Gauville (2018), Émilien Brun (2020) and Océane Chazé (2020). From 2001, FiatLux has developed by Nazim Fatès in the following institutions :
The author is grateful for the contributions of: For random number generation, FiatLux uses the Ranmar library of Honeyclust. For the live plotting functionalities, FiatLux uses the Ptolemy II library developed and maintained by Univ. of Berkeley. LicenceFiatLux is registered by the French Agence pour la protection des programmes (APP) under the number: IDDN.FR.001.300004.000.S.P.2013.000.10000 The program is available under the Cecill licence.