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French Congress of Radiology October 16th, 2014

Journée France Life Imaging – JFR 2014 Objectifs Stimuler la recherche translationnelle en favorisant les interactions entre les radiologues et les chercheurs Public Chercheurs et étudiants en imagerie, radiologues.ée%20FLI%20JFR%202014-v6.pdf Programme Session 1 • Présentation de France Life Imaging 09h15 – 10h00 FLI : Etat des lieux et investissements futurs…

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Information Analysis and Management (IAM) Node The “Information Analysis and Management” (IAM) node is a transversal node of the national infrastructure “France Life Imaging (FLI)”. FLI is a proposed large-scale research infrastructure project aimed at establishing a coordinated and harmonized network of biomedical imaging in France. This project was recently…

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Job offers

France Life Imaging (FLI) – Information Analysis and Management (IAM) France Life Imaging (FLI) is a large-scale research infrastructure project aimed at establishing a coordinated and harmonized network of biomedical imaging in France. This project was recently selected by the call “investissements d’Avenir” as an “Infrastructure in Biology and Health”….

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This challenge is organized by three partners: The Empenn team coordinates the challenge. The team has a long experience in MS lesions segmentation and MS in general OFSEP is the French cohort of MS patients which aims at gathering clinical, biological and imaging data from centers across France. In particular,…

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Database description We have gathered for this challenge a total of 100 MS patients for which the following images will be provided: 3D FLAIR sequence at a first timepoint 3D FLAIR sequence at a second timepoint (1 to 3 years after the first one) A total of 15 different MRI…

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A more complete description of evaluation metrics is provided in the following pdf: MS_Challenge_Evaluation_Challengers. Overall, performance of the methods will be assessed on two levels: New lesion detection: in short, how many individual new lesions in the ground truth were detected by the evaluated method, independently of the precision of…

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Dissemination Plan

Both the processing platform and the datasets will remain accessible after the challenge so that new teams coming with MS segmentation algorithms may evaluate their own method using the proposed platform and data. Once the challenge day is passed, all result segmentations from the challengers will be opened to the general public for…

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Challenge day schedule Challenge date: October 21, 2016 Duration: Half-day (morning) 09:00 – Opening/welcome 09:05 – Presentation of the challenge computational infrastructure 09:25 – Evaluated algorithms teasers (5 minutes each) Team 1: “Multiple Sclerosis Lesion Segmentation using an Automated Multimodal Graph Cut”. J. Beaumont, O. Commowick and C. Barillot Team…

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