• August 2014 – August 2015: Frédéric Mallet spends a sabbatical year at ECNU Shanghai
  • Vania Joloboff also Invited Scientist at ECNU until July 2015
  • 2015 July: Robert de Simone visited ECNU for a week in April, and organized an informal meeting between ECNU staff members and Esterel Technologies R&D group based in Pudong
  • 2015 July: V. Joloboff, F. Mallet, and E. Madelaine, participated to the inaugural meeting of the Int. Lab. onTrustworthy Software hosted by SEI-ECNU, with presentations
  • 2015 Oct.: A general meeting gathering European participants to this Int. Lab. onTrustworthy Software, coupled with a scientific Workshop, was held at ENS Rennes. Représentatives of CWI, Leiden U., York U. Trinity College Dublin, ENS Rennes and ENS Lyon attended, in addition to Inria and ECNU staff members.
  • 2015 July : E. Madelaine visits ECNU for 2 weeks: teaching at the summer-school,
    • presentation at the Advanced Software Technology forum,
    • research work with Min Zhang, Huibiao Zhu, and students.
  • 2015 Sep.-Dec.: master internship of Yuanmin Zhu at INRIA Sophia-Antipolis
  • 2015 Nov.: E. Madelaine visited ECNU for 1 week


  • 2016 April : R. de Simone visited ECNU for 2 weeks and gave a keynote presentation.
  • 2016 June: Prof. J. He met the Inria CEO A. Petit in Paris, and signed a memorandum of Understanding between INRIA and E.C.N.U., placing the FM4CPS associated-team as an active component of the China MOE International Joint Lab of Trustworthy Software.
  • 2016 July: E. Madelaine and F. Mallet visited ECNU during the yearly summer school, and the TASE’16 conference.
    • E. Madelaine gave a keynote address at the summer school.
    •  E. Madelaine and F. Mallet participated in the Yearly Council meeting of the International Joint Lab of Trustworthy Software.
    • Research work with Min Zhang, Min Zhang, Huibiao Zhu, Yixiang Chen, Jing Liu, and the co-advised students.
  • 2016 September: Ling Yin defended her PhD thesis at ECNU, (under the joint supervision of Liu Jing and Frédéric Mallet), entitled…
  • 2016 Sep.- 2017 Feb.: master internship of Xudong QIN at INRIA Sophia-Antipolis
  • 2016 Sep.- 2017 Feb.: PhD internship of Dongdong AN at INRIA Sophia-Antipolis
  • 2016 October : V. Joloboff visited ECNU and other Chinese partners by V. Joloboff in the Framework of the LIAMA project SACCADES, and participated in the LIAMA meeting and steering comittee in Beijing
  • 2016 Dec.: Min Zhang will visit the Aoste team in Sophia-Antipolis for 2 weeks.


  • 2017 jan-feb.: end of Xudong QIN master internship at INRIA Sophia-Antipolis.
  • 2017 may 8-13: Vania Joloboff visit at ECNU.
    • gave a presentation on “Virtual Prototyping of CPS based on Risc V architecture”
  • 2017 may 9-22: E. Madelaine visit at ECNU:
    • gave a presentation on “A Theory for the composition of concurrent processes: towards algorithms and tools”
    • research work with Min Zhang, Min Zhang, Yuxin Deng, Xudong Qin
    • presentation of our double master agrement to the potential candidate students from ECNU
  • 2017 july: double master agrement was signed between ECNU and Uinv. of Nice
  • 2017 Sep. 4-15: Min Zhang visits INRIA Sophia-Antipolis
  • 2017 Sept. 12: FM4CPS workshop in Sophia-Antipolis
  • 2017 Sept. 13-15: TASE’17 conference in Sophia-Antipolis with participation of 6 professors and students from ECNU.
  • 2017 Sept: 5 students for ECNU are enrolled in the Ubinet (2nd year) Master program at U. of Nice
  • 2017 Sept.: Xudong Qin enrolled as PhD student (with Pr, Yuxin Deng) at ECNU, that will be later a double PhD (cotutelle) with Eric U. Nice.
  • 2017 Nov: E. Madelaine will spend 2 weeks at ECNU for work with Min Zhang, Yuxin Deng, Xudong Qin