[07/12/2017] Guilherme DIAS DA FONSECA, Université d’Auvergne – “Approximating Minkowski sums with applications

[15/11/2017] Miro KRAMAR, Inria Saclay – “Analysis of Time Scales in Complex Spatio-Temporal Systems”

[08/11/2017] André LIEUTIER, Dassault Systèmes – “Triangulation of manifolds as sparse minimal chains”

[19/10/2017] Siddharth PRITAM, Inria Sophia – “Strong Collapses

[12/10/2017] Kunal DUTTA, Inria Sophia – “On the Randomised Incremental Construction of Delaunay triangulations of epsilon-nets

[05/10/2017] Mathijs WINTRAECKEN, Inria Sophia – “Reach comparison theory

[26/09/2017] Marc KHOURY, University of California, Berkeley – “Constrained Delaunay triangulations

[20/09/2017] Siargey KACHANOVICH, Inria Sophia – “Coxeter triangulations and their quality

[20/07/2017] Bruno JARTOUX, ESIEE Paris – “Shallow packings, semialgebraic set systems, Macbeath regions and polynomial partitioning”

[18/07/2017] Boris THIBERT, Université de Grenoble – “Semi-discrete optimal transport and non-imaging optics”

[4/07/2017] Miro KRAMAR, Inria Saclay – “Towards Understanding the Dynamics of Complex Spatio-Temporal Systems from Time Series”

[30-31/03/2017] Workshop – Geometric & Algebra Algorithms Lab. Athens University

[23/02/2017] Arijit GHOSH, Indian Statistical Institute – “Shallow packings, semialgebraic set systems, Macbeath regions and polynomial partitioning”

[21/02/2017] Guilherme DIAS DA FONSECA, Université d’Auvergne – LIMOS –  “Geometric Approximation Algorithms and Data structures based on a Hierarchy of Macbeath Regions”

[23-27/01/2017] Winter School on “Computational Geometry and Topology for Data Analysis – Inria Sophia Antipolis

[20/01/2017] Karthik C.S., Weizmann Institute of Science – “An Efficient Representation for Filtrations of Simplicial Complexes”

[11/01/2017] Mathijs WINTRAECKEN, Inria Sophia – “Some remarks on Delaunay Triangulations”