
The teams / labs (and their representatives) involved in the HOLIGRAIL consortium are:

  • Univ. Rennes, IRISA, Inria TaranOlivier Sentieys (coordinator), Silviu Filip
    • computer arithmetic including number representations, computer architecture especially, hardware acceleration, design space exploration, architecture optimization, and deep neural network compression including quantization error evaluation, and low-precision training.
  • CEA List/LIAE, Université Paris SaclayOlivier Bichler 
    • quantization-aware training and coding theory in deep neural networks and their link with technologies (non-volatile memory, in-memory computing) and software/hardware implementation (N2D2 framework). 
  • Inria Corse, Université Grenoble AlpesFabrice Rastello, Christophe Guillon
    • compiler optimization, data-movement, pattern-specific analysis and optimization.  
  • Grenble-INP, TIMA/SLS, Université Grenoble AlpesAdrien Prost-Boucle, Olivier Muller
    • number representation, hardware acceleration, hardware support for quantization, memory accesses, and throughput-friendly compression.  
  • INSA Lyon, CITI, Inria EmeraudeFlorent De Dinechin, Anastasia Volkova
    • computer arithmetic, operator optimization and fusion, and high-level synthesis.  
  • CEA List/LVML, Université Paris SaclayMohamed Tamaazousti
    • tensor methods, distillation techniques for neural network compression, deep learning representations. 

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