The Challenge HPC-BigData is a four year project (2018-2022) funded by INRIA.
HPC and Big Data evolved with their own infrastructures (supercomputers versus clouds), applications (scientific simulations versus data analytics) and software tools (MPI and OpenMP versus Map/Reduce or Deep Learning frameworks). But Big Data analytics is becoming more compute-intensive (thanks to deep learning), while data handling is becoming a major concern for scientific computing. The Challenge HPC-BigData gathers teams from the HPC, Big Data and Machine Learning (ML) areas to work at the intersection between these domains. Research is organized along three main axes:
- HPC acceleration for AI and Big Data
- AI & Big Data analytics for large scale scientific simulations
- Infrastructure and resource management
Full Initial Proposal (Feb 2018)
INRIA Teams:
- DataMove, Grenoble: Bruno Raffin (PI), Olivier Richard
- KerData, Rennes: Gabriel Antoniu, Alexandru Costan
- SequeL, Lille: Philippe Preux
- Sierra, Paris: Francis Bach, Loic Esteve
- Tau, Saclay: Guillaume Charpiat
- Zenith, Montpellier: Patrick Valduriez, Alexis Joly
- Parietal, Saclay: Gael Varoquaux
- TADaaM, Bordeaux: Emmanuel Jeannot, Guillaume Aupy
- HiePACS, Bordeaux: Olivier Coulaud
- Storm, Bordeaux: Samuel Thibault
- RealOpt, Bordeaux: Olivier Beaumont
Scientists Funded by the Challenge/IPL:
- PhD: Alena Shilova. Advisers: Olivier Beaumont, Alexis Joly
- PhD: Loris Felardos. Advisers: Guillaume Charpiat, Jerome Henin, Bruno Raffin
- PhD: Daniel Rosendo. Advisers: Gabriel Antoniu, Patrick Valduriez
- Postdoc: Essam Morsi (Sequel, DataMove)
- Engineer: Pierre Glaser (Parietal, Storm)
- Engineer: Kun He (Storm, Parietal)
External Participants:
- Laboratoire de Biochimie Théorique (LBT), CNRS, Paris: Marc Baaden, Jérôme Hénin
- Grid’5000: Pierre Neyron
- Atos/Bull
- Esi-Group
- Argonne National Labs, Mathematics & Computer Science Division