Inria Bordeaux is organizing a school on high performance numerical simulation. It will take place at the Inria Bordeaux research center on November 4-8, 2019.
The school will aim at simulating a physical problem, from its modeling to its implementation in an high performance computing (HPC) framework. The school will offer both plenary courses and hands-on sessions. The physical problem considered will be the harmonic wave propagation. The hands-on session will be conducted on the Federative Platform for Research in Computer Science and Mathematics (PlaFRIM) machine.
The first day will be dedicated to the modeling of the problem and its discretization using a Discontinuous Galerkin scheme. The following two days will be dedicated to linear algebra for solving large sparse systems. Background on direct, iterative and hybrid methods for sparse linear systems will be discussed. Hands-on on related parallel solvers will then be proposed. Will follow a day dedicated to advanced parallelisation schemes using task-based paradigms. Hands-on with the StarPU runtime system will be proposed. A particular attention will be devoted to the use of parallel profiling and debugging tools. The school will be closed with plenary talks illustrating the usage of such a workflow in an industrial context.