
You can execute HyLeak in a terminal by running.

hyleak [arguments] program.hyleak


HyLeak is based on the QUAIL v 2.0 code, and shares some of its functionalities. The possible arguments for HyLeak are:

-c | --clean
Delete the temporary preprocessed file.

Alternative location for the configuration file.

-h | -? | --help
Print the help and terminate.

-v <level>
Verbose mode between 0 (minimum) and 4 (maximum).
Default value if not specified is 2.

Set verbosity for location <vname> to value <vvalue> (advanced users only)

Print verbosity locations and terminate

-th <number>
Sets the number of parallel threads HyLeak should use. Default is the number returned by Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors(), minimum 1

-p <value>
Define computation precision as a number of digits. Default value if not specified is 15.

Replace the value of a constant <cname> in the model by the value <cvalue>

Run only the preprocessor and terminate.

Do not run the preprocessor (advanced users only; input file must be in if-goto format).

-i <iterations>
Sets the total number of simulations to use on all components. Default: 50000

-t <time_limit>
Sets the time limit (in milliseconds) for the simulation. A value of 0 means no time limit. Default: 0 (meaning no time limit)

By default and if the dot utility is installed, HyLeak draws the Control Flow Graph (CFG) of the program to be analyzed as a file cfg.png. This option prevents HyLeak from drawing the CFG of the program.


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