Each year, Inria launches a recruitment campaign for Postdoctoral (postdoc) positions, and a limited number of slots is reserved for the International Relation Department in order to support Inria’s international collaborations.
This year, one postdoc position is available for the Inria Brasil partnership, to strengthen current projects.
Applications should fit within the thematic fields of the program (HPC, Data Science, Artificial Intelligence and Scientific Computing) in collaboration with LNCC and the Brazilian partner universities listed here).
The postdoc contract will have a duration of 12 to 24 months. The default start date is November 1st, 2021 and not later than January, 1st 2022. The Post-Doc will be recruited by one of the Inria centers in France but it is recommended the time is shared between France and Brazil.
How to apply:
Applications for the Inria International Relations Department reserved post-docs must be submitted to postdoc-dri@inria.fr before **new date August 15, 2021** with the following documents:
– Completed summary sheet to be uploaded here: Post-Doc Application – Summary Sheet 2021
– Research project including subject title, research program, work plan and planned visits, duration (between 12 and 24 months) and the desired starting date (default start date is November 1st, 2021 and not later than January, 1st 2022).
– Detailed CV with a description of the PhD and a complete list of publications with the two most significant ones highlighted.
– Motivation letter from the candidate.
– 2 letters of recommendation.
– Letters of support from the host Inria research team and from the host international partner.
– Copy of passport.
For more information:
Feel free to contact Claire Saint-Léger (claire.saint-leger@inria.fr) or the Scientific Directors of Inria Brasil program.