Category: News
New AI Center for Renewable Energies
FAPESP announced the result of the call for the creation of Applied Research Centers (CPA) in Artificial Intelligence, launched in…
Inria and LNCC strenghten the partnership- Highlights Inria-Brasil Workshop (April 2023)
A nice report on the Inria-Brasil workshop that took place in São Paulo (10-11 April 2023) and Petropolis, Rio de…
Postdoctoral Research Positions- Inria Brasil
Every year the International Relations Department of Inria launches a recruitment campaign for Post-Doctoral positions in order to support Inria…
Call for projects STIC-MATH-CLIMAT AmSud (deadline: 17 May 2023)
Inria Brasil Workshop (IBW)- 10-14 April 2023
The first in-person edition of the Inria Brasil Workshop since the creation of the international program was held in the week…
Call FAPERJ- Ambassade de France- Mobility programme
CARLA 2022 Workshop – HPC and Data Sciences meet Scientific Computing (RISC2)
Call for Associate Teams (until October 17th 2022)
New AI Center for Renewable Energies
FAPESP announced the result of the call for the creation of Applied Research Centers (CPA) in Artificial Intelligence, launched in…
Inria and LNCC strenghten the partnership- Highlights Inria-Brasil Workshop (April 2023)
A nice report on the Inria-Brasil workshop that took place in São Paulo (10-11 April 2023) and Petropolis, Rio de…
Postdoctoral Research Positions- Inria Brasil
Every year the International Relations Department of Inria launches a recruitment campaign for Post-Doctoral positions in order to support Inria…
Call for projects STIC-MATH-CLIMAT AmSud (deadline: 17 May 2023)
Inria Brasil Workshop (IBW)- 10-14 April 2023
The first in-person edition of the Inria Brasil Workshop since the creation of the international program was held in the week…