Call for projects STIC-MATH-CLIMAT AmSud (deadline: 17 May 2022)
CNPq Call for research mobility
New Call- FAPERJ/Embassy of France in Brazil- Visiting French researchers coming to Rio de Janeiro
The PhD Thesis by Renan Souza (COPPE-UFRJ) awarded at Theses and Dissertations Contest at 2021 SBBD, Brazil.
Renan Souza’s 2019 doctoral thesis “Supporting User Steering in Large-Scale Workflows with Provenance Data”, supervised by Marta Mattoso (COPPE-UFRJ) and…
Associate Teams 2022 Call for proposals
Call for Postdoctoral Research Positions
Each year, Inria launches a recruitment campaign for Postdoctoral (postdoc) positions, and a limited number of slots is reserved for…