Should we get into it? What are my colleagues doing in the centre?
The purpose of this (half) day dedicated to Julia is to identify the local interests present and to share experiences (good or bad) with this language in our center. We invite both the curious who do not use Julia and people with an in-depth knowledge of the language to come and participate in this event.
The half day will be structured as follows:
- Presentation of Julia (~45mn), E. Natale (Coati)
- short “feedback” presentations (~15mn) on the use of Julia
- Ludovic Mailleret: Hands on Pluto: dynamical systems with reactive Julia notebooks
- Aurora Rossi: Presentation of WorldDynamics.jl
- Bernard Mourrain: Algebraic Geometric Modeling with Julia
- Romain Veltz: Computing bifurcation diagrams with Julia
- Jean-Baptiste Caillau: Solving Optimal Control Problems with Julia
- talk by Chris Rackauckas (~30mn)
- informal discussion
When? the event will take place on Thursday 12th January, 2023, at 14:00
Where? Room Galois Coriolis and on webex
Questions / Issues: contact J.B. Caillau or R. Veltz, or use the form