Author's posts

What are retinal receptive fields?

What are retinal receptive fields? In order to answer this question, we need to respond two others beforehand. The first is what’s the retina? A short answer for this question is that the retina is the bowl shaped tissue located in the back of the eye. This light sensitive tissue contains a complex network of …

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What are Gap Junctions?

In neural systems, an electrical synapse is a mechanical and electrically conductive link between two adjacent neurons that is formed by proteins known as gap junctions. Hence, an electrical synapse is also called a gap junction. In this kind of coupling, the synaptic current is proportional to the difference of membrane potentials between a neuron …

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Our questions

The main scientific questions : How is sensory neural codification done, as far as non-standard retinal cells are concerned? How are the sensory designs well adapted to the statistical distribution – highly correlated- of natural images? What exactly – in terms of spikes trains (space and time)– is the retina (including non- standard cells) sending …

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