The main scientific questions :
- How is sensory neural codification done, as far as non-standard retinal cells are concerned?
- How are the sensory designs well adapted to the statistical distribution – highly correlated- of natural images?
- What exactly – in terms of spikes trains (space and time)– is the retina (including non- standard cells) sending to the brain?
- Are neural correlations important in the retina?
- What is the mapping between visual inputs and the non-standard cell output?
- On the other side is the question of How the brain decodes and integrate these parallel retinal streams signals?
- How can such non-standard visual sensor be used in visual reflexes?
- How are such early- vision processing organized to lead to basic visual behaviours?
- Can the understanding of those neural principles be used to simulate (software) or implement (hardware) in artificial visual behaviors?
- What do we learn at a higher level, from these new elements?