Demonstrations & Publications

Publications :

  • Armelle Bauer, Ali-Hamadi Dicko, François Faure, Olivier Palombi, Laurence Nigay, Amélie Rochet-Capellan, Jocelyne Troccaz. Bouger son corps pour apprendre l’anatomie. Workshop «IHM pour formation» – journées francophones d’IHM 2016 october 2016, Fribourg, Suisse. 2016.
  • Armelle Bauer, Ali-Hamadi Dicko, François Faure, Olivier Palombi, Jocelyne Troccaz. Anatomical Mirroring: Real-time User-specific Anatomy in Motion Using a Commodity Depth Camera. Motion in Games (MIG’16) october 2016, San Fancisco, United States. 2016. hal-01366704, video
  • Armelle Bauer, Jocelyne Troccaz, François Faure, Olivier Palombi. L’anatomie virtuelle au service de l’apprentissage. Association des Morphologistes (98ème congrès annuel) – Presentation (best presentation award) march 2016, Toulouse, France. 2016.
  • Armelle Bauer, Ali-Hamadi Dicko, Olivier Palombi, François Faure, Jocelyne Troccaz. Living Book of Anatomy(LBA) Project : See your Insides in Motion!. Siggraph Asia 2015 – Emerging Technologies november 2015, Kobe, Japan. 2015. hal-01186518, video
  • Armelle Bauer, Florent Paclet, Violaine Cahouet, Ali-HamadiDicko, Olivier Palombi, François Faure, Jocelyne Troccaz. Interactive Visualization of Muscle Activity During Limb Movements : Towards Enhanced Anatomy Learning. Eurographics Workshop VCBM september 2014, Vienne, Autriche. 2014. hal-01057027, video
  • Armelle Bauer, Federico Ulliana, Ali-Hamadi Dicko, Benjamin Gilles, Olivier Palombi, François Faure. MyCorporisFabrica: Making Anatomy Easy. Siggraph – Studio Talks August 2014, Vancouver, Canada. 2014. hal-00987439, video
  • Armelle Bauer, Jocelyne Troccaz, Olivier Palombi, François Faure. The Living Book of Anatomy « Model and user mapping ». Persyval-lab Scientific days – Poster June 2014, Grenoble, France. 2014.

Demonstrations :

Living Book of Anatomy: See your Insides in Motion !

Armelle Bauer, Ali-Hamadi Dicko, Olivier Palombi, François Faure, Jocelyne Troccaz.
demo at Siggraph Asia 2015 – Emerging Technologies 2-5 november 2016, Kobe, Japan. 2016.


François Faure, Frederick Van Meer, Armelle Bauer, Ali-Hamadi Dicko.
demo at The Consumer Electronic Show 2016 6-9 january 2016, Las Vegas, USA. 2016.

Learning using Virtual Anatomy as a tool

Armelle Bauer, Jocelyne Troccaz, François Faure, Olivier Palombi.
demo and talk at « Congrès des Morphologistes 2016 » 16-19 march 2016, Toulouse, France. 2016.

Living Book of Anatomy Project

Armelle Bauer, Maria Christou, Elise Taillant, François Faure, Olivier Palombi, Jocelyne Troccaz.
demo to be displayed in the INRIA Showroom fall 2016, Grenoble, France. 2016.

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