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Hélène Barucq — CV


Short CV

Research Director

INRIA Research Center of Bordeaux Sud-Ouest at Pau

University of Pau and Pays de l’Adour

Bâtiment B1, UFR Sciences, BP 1155

64013 Pau cedex, France

Telephone (33) 5 59 40 75 40

Fax (33) 5 59 40 75 70



Scientific leader of the INRIA Team-Project Magique-3D

Scientific leader of the national research strategic action DIP: Depth Imaging Partnership affiliated to TOTAL and INRIA

Member of the evaluation committee of ”
programmes Blanc et JCJC 2010″ at the ANR (National Research Agency)


Ph. D of Applied Mathematics, December 1993

University Bordeaux I, advisor: Bernard Hanouzet.

Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches ,  December 2002

University of Pau and Pays de l’Adour.


Charbel Farhat, professeur, Université du Colorado à Boulder (USA)

Laurence Halpern, Professeur, Université Paris 13

Patrick Joly, Directeur de Recherche, Inria Rocquencourt

Overview of research activities

I am essentially interested in the numerical simulation of the propagation of waves and I contribute in particular to the construction of new absorbing conditions. I work on time-dependent and stationary equations and I mainly focus on systems which are approximated by finite-element methods. I maintain collaborations with the oil company TOTAL for the development of software packages for the seismic imaging.

Academic experiences

2008-present   Research director at INRIA Bordeaux Sud-Ouest

2007-2008 On secondment at INRIA

2005-2007 Assignment to INRIA

1994-2005 Assistant professor at the University of Pau and Pays de l’Adour

1993-1994 Assistant teacher at the University Bordeaux I