Here are test cases of simulated reflectors with blender and a comparison between solvers.

Three test cases for PIR0. 1- Uniform square to uniform disc. 2- Uniform disc to uniform triangle. 3- Uniform square to Lemmy Kilmister portrait.
Keeping the notations of the PIR0 configuration schematic, the geometrical configuration is as follow:
The source support is and the target plan support is
It is important to choose a large and a large target plan support compared to the source support to ensure correct far-field conditions, otherwise deformations will occur at the rendering step.

Results of the reflector simulation with Blender. First column is IPFP, second is Semi-Discrete and third is Finite differences. Below each picture are the source and target resolution and the execution time.
The geometrical configuration in these cases is as follow:
The source opening angle is and the target plan support is
As describe in the Solver part of Numerical Methods, the optimized version of the IPFP algorithm is not available yet, explaining the very long execution time compared to PIR0.