The workshop will be held in the Computer History Museum, on the morning of October 27th with the following schedule.
9h00 — Opening
9h05 — Keynote by David A. Shamma and Saide Bakhshi
9h50 — Oral Session 1: Mining
- User Group based Viewpoint Recommendation using User Attributes for Multiview Videos
- Beyond Concept Detection: The Potential of User Intent for Image Retrieval
10h25 — Spotlights
- Image Captioning in the Wild: How people caption images on Flickr
- A Deep Multi-Modal Fusion Approach for Semantic Place Prediction in Social Media
- Movie Genre Classification based on Poster Images with Deep Neural Networks
- Robust Multi-Modal Cues for Dyadic Human Interaction Recognition
[Coffee break ~10h30]
11h00 — Oral Session 2: Modeling
- Head Pose Recommendation for Taking Good Selfies
- More cat than cute? Interpretable Prediction of Adjective-Noun Pairs
11h35 — Conclusion
11h40 — Poster session (all ORAL and SPOTLIGHT papers)
[Lunch ~13h00]