Several software and tools have been developed (or co-developed) by the SRP and PhD students during the project:
- SPITFIRE (SParse fIT for Fluorescence Image Restoration): software designed to restore 2D-3D+Time fluorescent microscopy images and videos, and subtract undesirable out-of-focus background. Inter Deposit Digital Number: IDDN.FR.001.460029.000.S.P.2021.000.21000 – URL: – Publication:
- DenseMapping (Dense mapping of diffusion and drift of moving particles): software designed to to estimate the diffusion and drift parameters attached to moving biomolecules within cells from 2D/3D individual trajectories. Inter Deposit Digital Number: IDDN.FR.001.290028.000.S.P.2021.000.21000 – URL: – Publications:
- STracking: Open-source Python library for combining algorithms into standardized particles tracking pipelines for biological microscopy images. URL: – Publication:
- LineageD: hybrid web-based system to predict, visualize, and interactively adjust plant embryo cell lineages. Users can build the hierarchy tree in two directions, bottom-up and top-down. Also, they can check and correct assignments based on Machine Learning predictions. URL:, – Publication:
- ctrl (Cell Tracking and Robust Lineaging): Python package providing tracking methods to compute cell lineages in 3D+T images of growing plant tissues. URL: – Publication:
GNOMON project – The MOSAIC, SERPICO/STED and HYBRID teams have collaborated in order to build a software (GNOMON,, ongoing since 2018, License LGPL3, 2021-2024), dedicated to the analysis, visualization, and simulation of morphogenesis of living organisms and intracellular dynamics. We made a special effort to make bridges with the technical solution developed in the BioImageIT project ( focused on interoperability between software and data management in one hand, and on the other hand, with the web-based 3D+Time browser MorphoNet ( The aim was to reach a software quality that will enable the diffusion of the platform, starting with the immediate collaborators of the partners. The software is currently entering a phase of beta-testing among close collaborators of the team, who will provide some key feedback on real use cases.