
Registration is free but mandatory. Please provide your full name and email in the following link:

Poster session

Posters are welcomed in all the area of bioinformatics, structural and computational biology. Participants are highly advised to bring a poster. This is a good opportunity for students and younger scientists to present their work and discuss with the experts. Please submit your abstracts for the poster to and bring your posters on July 9th to the conference.

FSD requirements

Entering the Inria/Loria building is subject to a security protocol for people with nationalities outside the Schengen area.For that reason I would like to kindly ask that you email me ( the following information before June 25th 2024, if it applies to you:

  • Name and Family name
  • Nationality
  • Employer
  • ID card number
  • Personal address
  • Date of birth

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