Many patients with Parkinson’s disease suffer from short periods during which they cannot continue walking, the so-called freezing of gait. Patients can learn to use rhythmic auditory sounds as support during these episodes. We developed GaitAssist, a personalized wearable system for freezing of gait support, that enables training in unsupervised environments. GaitAssist detects freezing episodes from ankle-mounted motion sensors, which stream data via Bluetooth to an Android phone. In response, the system plays a rhythmic auditory sound that adapts to the patient’s regular gait speed. While GaitAssist can be used as a daily-life assistant, it also provides support for three types of training and rehabilitation exercises. The user can create personalized training sessions by adjusting the exercise and feedback parameters.
Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems |
Pages 2531-2540 |