
  1. NEO (INRIA Sophia) : 2 Postdoc positions of 18 months each are available (contact S. Perlaza).
  2. LINCS (Palaiseau), joint lab with several partners including INRIA and Télécom Paris: 1 doctoral position on the modeling of large wireless networks (contact francois.baccelli@inria.fr). Candidates are expected to a genuine interest in communication networks of the future, for instance:: Cellular networks, Non terrestrial communication networks, Joint communication and sensing, Satisfaction of real time constraints. Candidates with a genuine interest in stochastic modeling, for instance : Queueing theory Point processes, Stochastic geometry are also quite welcomed. The position is also described here.
  3. IRISA (Rennes): 1 PhD position at the interplay between Information Theory and Game Theory, on “Strong coordination and strategic communication in thefinite-length regime” with Maël Le Treust (CNRS) and Giulia Cervia (IMT Lille). Contact: mael.le-treust@cnrs.fr> and giulia.cervia@imt-nord-europe.fr>
  4. EURECOM (Sophia Antipolis): 1 doctoral is to be filled ASAP. The position is intended for talented researchers with a strong mathematical background and the drive to push the knowledge frontiers in the area of advanced wireless networks, with a special emphasis on one (or more) of the following areas:
    • Task-oriented communication and learning by exploiting the structures of data, functions, and networks
    • Fundamental limits of distributed computation
    • Coding for distributed and parallel systems, Coding for efficient updates
    • Distributed coding for content access, in caches and the edge
    • Learning algorithms for computing
    • Over-the-air computing,
    • Computation in sensor networks. Please contact Dr. Derya Malak (derya.malak@eurecom.fr) or Prof. Petro Elia (petros.elia@eurecom.fr). Make sure to include resume, names of references, motivation email, including specific interests and prior experience in areas related to the above description.
  5. EURECOM (Sophia Antipolis): 1 Postdoc position on the fundamentals of goal-oriented semantic communication. Contact: Prof. Marios Kountouris (marios.kountouris@eurecom.fr). For more information: please see here.
  6. IP Paris, Telecom SudParis and Telecom Paris (Palaiseau): 1 PhD position at the intersection between information theory, machine learning, and cybersecurity (contact mireille.sarkiss@telecom-sudparis.eu or michele.wigger@telecom-paris.fr). The goal of the project is to characterize the fundamental limits and devise new strategies for distributed detection systems with security constraints. In this project we shall propose an information-theoretic analysis as well as learning-assisted detection strategies. The candidate is expected to have good analytic skills and a solid background in probability.
  7. Inria MARACAS: Postdoctoral position (18 months) on information theoretic and algorithmic aspects of goal-oriented communications. This work will investigatesource and channel coding from the perspective of risk-measure constraints and tasksmodeled by data-dependent optimization problems. Contact: Malcolm Egan (malcolm.egan@inria.fr).
  8. ETIS (Cergy): 1 Postdoc Position (18 months) on Semantic and Context Aware 6G Security to work with Prof. Arsenia Chorti. Applications are sought from candidates with an outstanding academic background and expertise in at least one of the following topics: (1) Semantic communications and context extraction; (2) Machine learning for communications and / or security (3) Physical layer security, information theoretic security and related topics. Demonstrable mathematical skills are essential and familiarity with 5G standards will be an advantage. Experience in proposal writing will be an advantage.
  9. CEA (Grenoble): 18 Monts Post Doc/ Researcher position: CEA is hiring motivated strong researchers on 6G wireless semantic communications ! We are seeking a highly motivated and talented Postdoctoral Researcher to join our research team focused on 6G wireless semantic communications. As a postdoc, you will contribute to cutting-edge research efforts aimed at integrating semantic technologies into future #wireless communication systems. This position offers a unique opportunity to shape the next 6G generation of intelligent wireless networks and their applications. Contact: emilio.calvanese-strinati@cea.fr
  10. Télécom Paris, 1 post-doc position of 18 months about the modeling of obstacles and their interplay with reconfigurable intelligent surfaces. Contact : laurent.decreusefond@telecom-paris.fr
  11. IMT-NE, 1 post-doc position of 18 months about interference in dense wireless IoT networks. Two other positions (related to PC5 on THz communications are also available about channel model and hybrid beamforming). Contact: laurent.clavier@imt-nord-europe.fr

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