- Role:
Coordinator - Field of expertise:
Plant protection, plant pests and diseases, movement and dispersal of biocontrol organisms, control and optimization strategies, modeling. - Affiliation:
Team M2P2, INRAE PACA (France)
- Role:
Committee member - Field of expertise:
Traffic flow, macroscopic models, PDE-constrained optimization, hyperbolic systems of conservation laws - Affiliation:
Team Acumes, Inria Center at Université Côte d’Azur (France)
- Role:
Coordinator - Field of expertise:
Particle-laden flows, particle agglomeration, aggregate fragmentation, modeling, stochastic approaches. - Affiliation:
Team Calisto, Inria Center at Université Côte d’Azur (France)
- Role:
Committee member - Field of expertise:
Planet formation, numerical simulation, protoplanetary disk. - Affiliation:
Lagrange Laboratory, Observatoire de la Côte d’Azur (France)
- Role:
Committee member - Field of expertise:
Fluid mechanics of dispersed flows; Transport phenomena in industrial processes (bubble nucleation); Numerical methods applied to implicit tracking of interfaces (level-set, phase field methods); Glass sciences and technology. - Affiliation:
CFL Team, CEMEF research center of Mines ParisTech (France)