Population Balance: From Fundamental to Applied Science

The Summer School will take place from Monday, June 16th 2025 to Friday, June 27th 2025.
The important deadlines are given here.
The Summer School will be held in the French Riviera.
More details on the location can be found here.
The Summer School aims to provide modern viewpoints on the concepts related to population dynamics (covering topics such as plants, insects, birds, fishes, crowd dynamics, traffic flow, viruses, bubbles or nanoparticles).
The list of invited lecturers can be found here.
Mornings will be devoted to mini-courses delivered by lecturers (covering fields like mathematics, physics, biology, engineering and chemistry). In the afternoons, participants will be offered to work in small groups on original research projects supervised by lecturers and local researchers.
A preliminary program is available here.
If any additional information is required, please contact us.