Seminar on January 21st 2025 at 14:00
- Title:
Early vision for robotics - Abstract:
The talk will present bio-inspired vision systems for robotics, particularly utilizing early vision, such as optic flow, for aerial navigation (Serres & Ruffier 2017). For instance, we show recently that visual models enable robots to assess and control attitude without accelerometer, explaining some insect flight capabilities (de Croon et al. 2022). Moreover, collective motion models solely based on early vision demonstrated how spherical robots can achieve swarming and milling behaviors using panoramic visual information (Castro, Ruffier & Eloy 2024, Castro, Eloy & Ruffier 2024). - Affiliation:
SBI-Biorobotics research group at Institut des Sciences du Mouvement (ISM), a joint research unit with AMU - Seminar details:
Coriolis room in Galois building, Inria Centre at Université Côte d’Azur
Hybrid mode on zoom (join) - Organizer(s):
Christophe Henry, Team Calisto (Inria)
Seminar on January 24th 2025 at 10:00
- Title:
Consensus in Multiagent Systems with Lack of Connection - Abstract:
We consider a system of N agents in Rd, indexed by j, that interact with a cooperative rule. The influence of agent k on agent j is given by time-dependent functions that do not depend on the state: the function u_{jk} : [0, +∞) → [0, +∞) that we assume to be locally integrable. We discuss conditions that guarantee that a given system, mathematically satisfying the ODEsx’j = \sum{k=1}^N u_{jk}(t) (x_k − x_j),converges to consensus for any initial configuration of {x1, …, xN}, where by consensus we mean that there exists a common limit value x* of all the agents’ trajectories x_j(t).
This is a joint work with Bentaibi (Padova), Gauthier (Toulon), Rossi (IUAV). - Affiliation:
Department of Mathematics, University of Padova (Italy) - Seminar details:
Coriolis room in Galois building, Inria Centre at Université Côte d’Azur - Organizer(s):
- Paola Goatin, Team Acumes (Inria)