Title : About new constraints induced by 3D printing techniques on the shape optimization process
Summary: Although they theoretically make it possible to assemble structures of almost arbitrary complexity – and thus arouse great interest in engineering circles – modern additive manufacturing techniques (or 3D printing) raise new difficulties that must be taken into account from the earliest stages of design, and in particular when optimizing the designs under consideration.
During this presentation, we will focus on the modelling of two such major issues related to additive construction processes. The first of these challenges is to avoid the emergence of cantilevered regions during the shape optimization process, i.e. large, almost horizontal regions, resting on a void, without support from the lower structure.
The second crucial difficulty that will be addressed is related to the fact that additive construction processes involve a significant alteration in the mechanical performance of the material constituting the shape produced: it becomes inhomogeneous, often anisotropic (depending on the shape itself).
These are works in collaboration with Grégoire Allaire, Rafael Estevez, Alexis Faure and Georgios Michailidis.