Monday 20th January 2020- INRIA
Mathieu Mézache (Sorbonne Université) .

Modeling oscillating polymerization/depolymerization processes The process of protein aggregation and fragmentation is intimately linked to the development of a broad class of neurodegenerative diseases or amyloid disease. More particularly, oscillatory kinetic phenomena are identified in experiments on Prion diseases. As a first step, the analysis of experimental data leads us…


Monday 4th November 2019- LJLL
Anthony Nouy (École Centrale de Nantes).

Title : Approximation with tree tensor networks Abstract: Many problems in computational science require the approximation of high-dimensional functions. Examples of such problems can be found in physics, stochastic analysis or statistical learning. Other examples include parametric or uncertainty analyses for parameter-dependent models. The approximation of a high-dimensional function requires…


Monday 7th october 2019
Andrea Natale (INRIA, U. Paris-Dauphine).

Title: The boundary value problem for the multidimensional Camassa-Holm equation: generalized flows and numerical challenges Abstract: In this talk we will consider a multidimensional generalization of the Camassa-Holm equation, describing a shallow-water approximation for ideal fluid flow with a free boundary. Similarly to its one-dimensional counterpart, the multidimensional model has…


Monday 27-th May 2019
Maciej Paszynski (AGH University of Science and Technology, Krakow, Poland ).

Title: isogeometric Residual Minimization Method (iGRM) We focus first on stationary advection-diffusion problems [1]. We present a stabilized isogeometric analysis method that exploits the Kronecker product structure of the computational problem. The trial spaces in our solution scheme are maximum continuity B-splines. To accelerate the solution of the algebraic scheme,…
