The kickoff meeting of the RNALands project took place at LIX, Ecole Polytechnique on Tuesday April 4th, 2015. All the project participants attended to the meeting, whose program consisted of a mix of introductory scientific presentations and informal discussions aimed at initiating the collaboration.
- 10:00 General introduction: Scientific objectives, milestones and organizational aspects (Yann+Andrea)
- 10:45 A word from Inria’s officer for European Partnerships (Maike Gillot)
- 11:00 Introduction to RNA folding and kinetics (Ronny Lorenz)
- 11:45 Statistical sampling + Non redundant generation (Yann Ponty)
- 12:30 Lunch on site
- 13:30 Algorithmics of local minima (Helene Touzet)
- 14:15 Model checking (Loic Paulevé)
- 15:00 Discussion/pressing points