Author's posts

Vers une industrialisation des langages spécifiques à un domaine (T. Leveque)

On April 17, 10:00  (Inria Lille, Salle du Conseil), Thomas Leveque will present his work on “Vers une industrialisation des langages spécifiques à un domaine”. Abstract: Il est aujourd’hui reconnu que les langages spécifiques à un domaine (DSL) permettent d’augmenter la productivité et la qualité du développement d’applications. Ils restent cependant coûteux à implémenter alors qu’ils ne peuvent s’utiliser …

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Recommending Refactorings to Reverse Software Architecture Erosion (R. Terra)

On April 5, 11:00  ( Univ Lille 1, Bat M3, M116), Ricardo Terra will present his work on “Recommending Refactorings to Reverse Software Architecture Erosion”. Abstract: Architectural erosion is a recurrent problem faced by software architects. Despite this fact, the process is usually tackled in ad hoc way, without adequate tool support at the architecture  …

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Semi-Automatically Extracting FAQs to Improve Accessibility of Software Development Knowledge (S. Henss)

On March 13, 10:30-11:00, Stefan Henss will present his recent results on “Semi-Automatically Extracting FAQs to Improve Accessibility of Software Development Knowledge” (accepted at ICSE’2012). Location: INRIA Lille Nord Europe, Salle Du Conseil Language: English Abstract: Frequently asked questions (FAQs) are a popular way to document software development knowledge. As creating such documents is expensive, …

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Network architectures for inter-Carrier QoS-capable services (N. Djarallah)

On Friday 9 March 20124, 14:00 at INRIA Lille (Room W21), Nabil Djarallah will present his PhD work (Univ Rennes 1, 2011) on “Network architectures for inter-Carrier QoS-capable services” Le challenge pour les opérateurs, aujourd’hui, réside dans la fourniture de services à valeur ajoutée à leurs utilisateurs mais aussi et surtout aux utilisateurs d’autres opérateurs. …

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Uncovering Causal Relationships between Software Metrics and Bugs (M. Valente)

 Marco Tulio Valente is going to present his work on 8 Feb. 2012 at 3pm in  room 211 (M3 building). Title: Uncovering Causal Relationships between Software Metrics and Bugs Abstract: Bug prediction is an important challenge for software engineering research. It consist in looking for possible early indicators of the presence of bugs in a …

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Workshop “Software Engineering for Mobile Applications” (SEMA’2011)

This workshop gathers researchers and PhD students from INRIA, the University of Lille and the University of Luxembourg. The goal of the workshp is to discuss new software engineering research challenges characteristics to mobile applications (e.g. smartphones apps). The presentations are meant to be interactive and there is plenty of room for questions and discussion. …

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Modelling and Model-Checking Variability-Intensive Systems (P. Heymans)

On 7 Oct. 2002, 14:00, Patrick Heymans (Professor, University of Namur, Belgium) will present his work on “Modelling and Model-Checking Variability-Intensive Systems’ (INRIA, Salle du conseil)

Analyse et remédiation des dépendances entre paquetages dans les systèmes orientés objet (J. Laval)

Speaker: Jannik Laval Friday 17 June 2011, 10h30 AM Bâtiment SUP-SUAIO Les logiciels évoluent au fil du temps avec la modification, l’ajout et la suppression de nouvelles classes, méthodes, fonctions, dépendances. Une conséquence est que le comportement peut être placé dans de mauvais paquetages et casser la modularité du logiciel. Une bonne organisation des classes …

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Programmation dirigée par la spécification (D. Cassou)

Date : 15 avril, 10h, IRICICA Intervenant : Damien Cassou Titre : Développement logiciel orienté paradigme de conception : la programmation dirigée par la spécification Résumé : Nombre d’applications ont pour comportement principal l’attente d’un événement venant d’un environnement extérieur, la préparation d’un résultat et l’exécution d’actions sur cet environnement. Les interfaces graphiques et les …

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Transparent Componentisation: High-level (Re)configurable Programming for Evolving Distributed Systems (F. Taïani)

Speaker: François Taïani Component frameworks and high-level distributed languages have been widely used to develop distributed systems, and provide complementary advantages: Whereas component frameworks foster composability, reusability, and (re)configurability; distributed languages focus on behaviour, simplicity and programmability. In this paper, we argue that both types of approach should be brought together to help develop complex …

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