Claim Monitoring for Tackling Uncertainty in Adaptive Systems (N. Bencomo)

On April 20, 14:00-14:45 (INRIA Lille, Room W21), Nelly Bencomo will present her work on “Claim Monitoring for Tackling Uncertainty in Adaptive Systems”.

Abstract— There is an increasing need for software systems that are able to adapt dynamically to changes in their envi- ronment. However, a challenging characteristic of self-adaptive systems is that of uncertainty; a full understanding of all the environmental contexts they will encounter at runtime may be unobtainable at design time. Thus assumptions may have to be taken that risk being wrong, and this may lead to problems at runtime. In this paper we describe REAssuRE, which uses the concept of claims to explicitly represent such assumptions in goal models of the system. We define a semantics for claims in terms of their impact on how alternative goal operationalization strategies satisifice the system’s non-functional requirements or softgoals. We describe our implementation of REAssuRE which includes automatic claim value propagation and goal model evaluation, using in-memory representations of the goal models and associated claims. We demonstrate how claims can be monitored to verify claims at run time, and how falsified claims can trigger principled adaptation. We evaluate REAssuRE using an adaptive flood warning system.

Keywords-requirements awareness; self adaptive systems; goals; claims;
Presenter: Dr. Nelly Bencomo
Currently, Nelly is a Marie Curie Fellow at INRIA Paris – Roquencourt. Her Marie-Curie project is called Requirements-aware Systems (Requirements@run.time).

More info about her and her work at