Michele Lanza: Software Visualization

What: Software Visualization: Principles, Practice, Myths, Perils, Promises, Evaluation, and all the rest
Who: Michele Lanza, Professor at the University of Lugano
When: Friday 15th February, 11h
Where: Inria B21


The title says it all: In this talk I will introduce the principles that govern software visualization, and show through a series of examples how they can be applied in practice. Furthermore I will reflect on how such research can be evaluated.


Michele Lanza is associate professor of the faculty of informatics, which he co-founded in 2004. His doctoral dissertation, completed in 2003 at the University of Bern,received the prestigious European Ernst Denert award for best thesis in software engineering of 2003. Prof. Lanza received the Credit Suisse Award for best teaching in 2007 and 2009.

At the University of Lugano Prof. Lanza leads the REVEAL research group, working in the areas of software visualization, evolution,and reverse engineering. He authored more than peer-reviewed 100 technical papers and the book « Object-Oriented Metrics in Practice ».

Prof. Lanza is involved in a number of scientific communities,and has served on more than 80 program committees. He is president of CHOOSE (the Swiss Object-Oriented Software Engineering society). He was program co-chair of ICSM (the IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance) in 2010, of MSR (the Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories) in 2007 and 2008, of VISSOFT (the IEEE Workshop on Visualizing Software) in 2009, of IWPSE (the International Workshop on Principles of Software Evolution) in 2007. He is steering committee member of ICSM, MSR, VISSOFT, Softvis, and IWPSE. He was keynote speaker at MSR 2010 and CBSOFT 2011.