Memory and test visualization

What: Memory and test visualization
Who: Alexandre Bergel, full-time Assistant Professor at the University of Chile, co-founder of Object Profile
When: Tuesday, 16th of December, 14:30
Where: Inria, Lille B31

This talk will present the latest advances by the Object Profile company and Pleiad laboratory, from the University of Chile, in the field of memory and test visualization.
Three different but complementary topics will be addressed.

1 – memory profiling
Memory blueprint visually reports the memory consumption of a program execution. A number of simple visual cues are provided to identify direct and indirect object production sites, key ingredients to efficiently address memory issues. Scalability is addressed by restricting the scope of interest both in the call graph and the considered classes.

2 – test coverage
By relating execution and complexity metrics, we have identified five essential patterns to characterize the test coverage of a group of methods. Each pattern has an associated action to increase the test coverage, and these actions differ in their effectiveness. We empirically determined the optimal sequence of actions to obtain the highest coverage with a minimum number of tests. We present test blueprint, a visual tool to help practitioners assess and increase test coverage by graphically relating execution and complexity metrics.

3 – agile data visualization
Roassal is an agile visualization engine. Roassal graphically renders objects using short and expressive Smalltalk expressions. A large set of interaction facilities are provided for a better user experience. Painting, brushing, interconnecting, zooming, drag and dropping will just make you more intimate with any arbitrary object model. Roassal is used in dozen of commercial or open source projects.