Specification and Detection of SOA Antipatterns

Who: Francis Palma, PhD student @ UQAM (Canada) – http://scholar.google.com/citations?user=ZInmjaUAAAAJ&hl=fr

When: Wednesday 29th October 2014, 10:00 AM

Where: Meeting room B31, Building B (3rd floor), Inria

Title: Specification and Detection of SOA Antipatterns

Abstract: Service-based systems (SBSs), like any other complex systems, are subject to change. Changes can be functional (i.e., user requirements) or non-functional (i.e., network protocol, organisations data security and business policy, and service-level agreements) and can be at different levels (i.e., design or implementation) that take place during the software evolution and maintenance phases. These changes may cause degradation of design and quality of service (QoS) when they involve poor solutions, commonly known as antipatterns, in opposition to design patterns, which are good solutions to recurring design problems. Antipatterns in SBSs are commonly referred to as SOA (Service Oriented Architecture) antipatterns. The presence of SOA antipatterns in SBSs may (i) result in poor design and QoS and (ii) impact future maintenance and evolution. Therefore, detecting SOA antipatterns deserves attention for assessing the design and QoS of SBSs. Also, this detection may facilitate the future evolution and maintenance of an SBS. Yet, despite of their importance, there are no dedicated methods and techniques for specifying and detecting SOA antipatterns. Our aims are: (1) to propose a novel approach for the specification and detection of SOA antipatterns, (2) an empirical study showing the impact of SOA antipatterns in SBSs, and (3) a dedicated framework supporting specification and detection of SOA anti patterns.