Workshop “Software Engineering for Mobile Applications” (SEMA’2011)

This workshop gathers researchers and PhD students from INRIA, the University of Lille and the University of Luxembourg. The goal of the workshp is to discuss new software engineering research challenges characteristics to mobile applications (e.g. smartphones apps).

The presentations are meant to be interactive and there is plenty of room for questions and discussion.

Where: INRIA Lille,  Room E11
When: Dec 5 2011


13:45 – 15:00: Session #1
– Automatically Securing Permission-Based Software by Reducing the Attack Surface: An Application to Android (Alexandre Bartel, Univ Luxembourg, Serval)
– AntDroid : Opportunistic Mobile Sensing PLatform (Nicolas Haderer, INRIA, ADAM)
– Brainstorm #1: pros and cons of the Android platform

15:00 – 15:15: Coffee break

15:15 – 16:30: Session #2
– Using Multiple Feature Models to Design Applications for Smartphones (Clément Quinton, INRIA, ADAM)
– Soot, a Java Static Analysis Tool (Alexandre Bartel, Univ Luxembourg, Serval)
– Brainstorm #2: platform-independant research challenges

16:30 – 16-45: Wrap-up


– Jacques Klein
– Alexandre Bartel
– Laurence Duchien
– Clément Quinton
– Nicolas Haderer
– Nicolas Petitprez
– Adel Noureddine
– Daniel Romero
– Michel Dirix
– Martin Monperrus

Organization: Martin Monperrus


Automatically Securing Permission-Based Software by Reducing the Attack Surface: An Application to Android
Various scientific communities extensively exploit simulations to validate their theories. However, the relevance of the obtained results highly depends on the accuracy of the input traces they use. This statement is particularly true when considering human mobility traces, which tend to be highly unpredictable. We introduce AntDroid, a service-oriented platform for tracking the activities of mobile users. In particular, AntDroid offers a participative platform to the scientists of various domains and can help them to easily set up tracking experiments.

AntDroid : Opportunistic Mobile Sensing PLatform
Various scientific communities extensively exploit simulations to validate their theories. However, the relevance of the obtained results highly depends on the accuracy of the input traces they use. This statement is particularly true when considering human mobility traces, which tend to be highly unpredictable. We introduce AntDroid, a service-oriented platform for tracking the activities of mobile users. In particular, AntDroid offers a participative platform to the scientists of various domains and can help them to easily set up tracking experiments.

Using Multiple Feature Models to Design Applications for Smartphones
The design of a smartphone application is a tedious task according to its intrinsic variability. Software designers must take into account in their development process the versatility of available platforms (e.g., Android, iPhone). In addition to this, the variety of existing devices and their divergences (e.g., frontal camera, GPS) introduce another layer of complexity in the development process. These two dimensions can be formalized as Software Product Lines (SPL), independently defined. In this paper, we use a dedicated metamodel to bridge the gap between an application SPL and a mobile device one. This meta-model is also the support for the product derivation process. The approach is implemented in a framework named ApplIDE, and is used to

successfully derive customer relationship management software on different devices.

Soot, a Java Static Analysis Tool
This presentation is divided into two parts. In the first the possibilities offer by Soot and its inner-working will be described. Next, projects based on Soot will be presented. One of those projects aims at computing a mapping between entry points of the Android Framework and permissions.